Monday, February 17, 2014


 Call me Mae Suya and I'll say Yea! Suya is Northern part of Nigeria beef kabob. It is well seasoned with chilies, ginger, peanut mix etc. and air dried. When sun goes down say about 3pm, the Mae suyas (which translates to suya man) goes to work. They roasted in open flame fire, grilled or smoked. It is served normally with suya spice, julienned onion and tomato slices or wedges.
In my house I used cast iron grill. The key to good suya is buying the right cut of meat. A well marbled part will do. This is because you want the fat to baste the meat while roasting/grilling....Oh flavor punch!   
Skirt Steak
Skirt steak - Butterflied & seasoned with Priscilla's All Purpose seasonings. I safely store it open in the refrigerator for 6 hours. I grill and baste with melted butter. Preheat grill to smoky hot & grill ...I must say this, Nigerians don't do rare, medium rare, well. It has to be well cooked. But as a chef it is a sacrilege to go well done with skirt steak that's far better rare. Hey! you cook what your diner wants. 

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